Rockaway Summer House is a grassroots project that runs entirely on your kind donations. If you’d like to be part of this economy of generosity, you can do so through monetary contributions, product donations, or by volunteering your time and labor. As a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization, all your donations are tax-deductible.

We are in need of healthy vegetarian food that is nutritious and ethically sourced. Please do not offer fish or meat products.
Items currently needed:
– Organic Fair-Trade Coffee
– Organic Tea
– Organic Fruit (Berries, Bananas, etc. – NO apples)
– Organic Peanut Butter
– Organic Rice milk and/other organic plant-based milks
– Organic Coconut milk (canned 100% milk for cooking)
– Organic Gluten-Free Cereal
– Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Our resident monastic is allergic to all pesticides present in conventional food. Please offer items with the ‘Organic‘ label, or items purchased at Farmers Markets (small farms often cannot afford to pay for ‘Organic‘ labeling and ‘Local’ Food is always preferable to Organic. For more info:

You can purchase something for the Summer House on our Amazon Wishlist
We are also currently in need of the following items:
– Coffee Table
– One pillow
– Quickie Sponge mops
– Gift-Cards for hardware stores

Venmo: @BuddhistInsights (no transfer fee)
PayPal: (no transfer fee)
If you wish to make a recurring monthly donation, you may use this form:

Checks may be made payable to “Buddhist Insights Meditation Inc”
As a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization, we will be happy to send you a receipt so you can make your donations tax-deductible.


– Whenever you shop on Amazon, if you select “Buddhist Insights Meditation Inc.” on Amazon Smile as your preferred charity, Amazon will donate 5% of the amount you spend to the organization. 

– If you work for a large corporation, there is a good chance your corporation will match any amount you donate to charitable organizations (i.e.: you donate $200, your company will donate an extra $200).

We are currently in need of the following:
– Construction Work
– Garden Work (Preparing garden for winter season and planning for next year).
– Fundraising
– Grant Writing